Cogito® Dialog is the world’s first application that analyzes the human voice and visually guides phone professional behavior in real-time. The latest version delivers previously unavailable customer and agent engagement insights through an informative and intuitive agent user experience.
Phone interactions are the most popular and trusted way customers choose to interact with their service providers. Despite large investments in CRM platforms and quality monitoring tools companies continue to struggle to develop the communication skills of their call center agents. Cogito® Dialog helps agents detect customer sentiment, improve active listening, better match a customer’s pace and tone and express empathy leading to more productive and satisfying conversations.
The latest version includes the following enhancements:
- A more intuitive user experience – Enabling agents to easily visualize and adjust their communication style in real-time, to improving in-call performance.
- Cogito Engagement Scores – Providing an immediate, objective measure of conversation quality on 100% of monitored calls.
- Additional Behavioral Models – Delivering synthesis of voice signals into analytical models that detect effective listening, optimal tone and turn taking among other key behavioral traits.
- Enhanced performance and scalability – Enabling faster deployment, easier integration and higher performance.
It’s no secret that call center agents operate in a high stress environment and are dealing with increasingly complex inquiries from more demanding customers. The latest release of Cogito Dialog delivers direct, objective, real-time behavioral guidance to Agents. It is the only system that can interpret psychological signals and convert those signals into in-call guidance and predictors of future customer and agent behavior. The application has the potential to improve the performance of millions of phone professionals and create happier more loyal customers.
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