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HomeCogito BlogOur Partnership with The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)

Our Partnership with The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)

Steve Kraus

Cogito is a rapidly growing technology company, and as such we are focused on the recruitment and retention of highly qualified and talented individuals. As a forward-thinking company with a focus on developing emotional intelligence software and human experiences, Cogito is taking action to improve inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

One example of the action we took to improve inclusion and diversity was the formation of a team, composed of employees representing diverse genders and ethnicities, with three key goals:


  1. Increase awareness of the importance of inclusion and diversity in the workforce, specifically related to recruitment, mentoring, and retention of women and other underrepresented groups in
  2. Develop robust metrics to quantify goals and measure growth of diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  3. Create and prioritize a matrix of company activities relevant for ensuring a diverse and inclusive workplace culture.


As a step to increasing awareness we have joined the National Council of Women in Technology’s Entrepreneurial Alliance (NCWIT EA). Taking action to build recruitment, mentoring, and retention practices that are intentionally focused on inclusion and diversity will lead to improved business, social, and cultural outcomes for our company. Evidence from research conducted by NCWIT and others reveals that companies with intentionally created culture and gender-diverse teams:

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  • Perform better financially
  • Demonstrate superior team dynamics and productivity
  • Produce work teams that stay on schedule and under budget
  • Demonstrate improved employee performance


The case for better practice in the arena of inclusion and diversity is clear. Cogito will continue to strive towards an environment that promotes equality and equity for all. Joining the NCWIT EA has provided us access to the best resources, tips, tools, and consciousness-raising activities to help us achieve our goals.




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